Design and planning of fibre-reinforced concrete
according to the latest state of the art.
In the field of engineering, we work very closely with our strong partner Schulz Concrete Engineering GmbH. The measurement and planning of steel fibre concrete and steel fibre-reinforced concrete solutions, concrete testing, site supervision and levelness measurements are part of the service offering. You receive advice based on national and international codes, calculations conducted using the latest state-of-the-art equipment, and the latest international guidelines. And the best thing about it is – we assume the cost of the structural calculations for standard industrial floors for you. When solving complex problems, our partner Schulz Concrete Engineering uses the very latest software available.
This enables the material properties of the concrete to be calculated by means of non-linear methods and the deformation behaviour of components to be realistically assessed by means of plastic simulations in 3D programs. On the basis of these methods, we develop for you high-end design solutions that are both functional and cost-effective. And there’s another plus point: thanks to our collaboration with Schulz Concrete Engineering, we are the only fibre manufacturer able to guarantee not only the product liability for the calculated concrete but also the liability assumed by SCE for the structural calculations.
Planning with
high point loads
For extreme point loads and high demands with respect to the maximum crack width, the innovative combined reinforcement from KrampeHarex can bring real economic advantages. We offer you professional advice and find the best solution for your project.
The right concrete solution
for a wide range of applications
From silo construction to pile-supported floor slabs: Schulz Concrete Engineering gained its initial experience in the field of industrial floor construction. The method used by SCE to simulate deformation of the component is vital when it comes to cost-effective planning of high-bay warehouses. But the expertise of our engineering partner also pays off in other application areas, such as residential construction.
In collaboration with SCE, we can also offer to supervise the paving process and carry out levelness measurements – and consequently to guarantee that the paving work is conducted in accordance with the plans. For not only is calculation of the construction materials decisive for achieving an optimum result, but the workmanship and the paving conditions are too.
Know why
concrete tests are important.
In addition to paving supervision on the actual construction site, we can also offer you fresh- and hardened-concrete tests and laboratory tests on your bending beams thanks to our partnership with SCE. You benefit from the extensive experience of the engineers and the extremely precise testing machines, with state-of-the-art control technology, deployed in the laboratory, which prevent the test results from being falsified.
Following tests in SCE’s laboratory, you can be sure that the fibre content used achieves the required properties in terms of compressive strength and post-crack flexural strength and that the concrete complies with the local standards.
Image: Recording and evaluating the results
from the bending beam tests
Image: Bending beam test for determining post-crack flexural strength values and categorising into performance classes
We support you with structural calculation, planning and levelness measurement - supervision & testing - construction work and damage analyses
"Those who want to develop and improve cannot always do what they have always done."
Markus Schulz
Schulz Concrete Engineering -
Our partner for strong engineering support
Schulz Concrete Engineering has pooled great know-how in the fields of structural analysis and concrete technology and has continuously expanded its expertise during the course of national and international projects it has been involved in. The team from SCE consists of engineers and technicians with many years of professional experience. Thanks to their participation in various national and international committees, they also have the necessary theoretical background knowledge to deal with complex matters.
In all of its projects, Schulz Concrete Engineering attaches great importance to setting up collaborative working relationships based on partnership and trust. The following projects are among those we have worked on together with our engineering partner:
- Building preiod: 2017
Area: 95,000 square metres
Concrete: 260t, DE 60/0.9 N
- Building preiod: 2016
Area: 60,000 qm
Concrete: 165t, DE 60/0.9 N
- Building period: 2017
Area: 40,000 qm
Concrete: 120t, DE 60/0.9N
Do you have questions
about our engineering support?
Contact us!
Dr. Christian Neunzig
Technical Manager Construction Technology