KrampeHarex GmbH & Co. KG
Pferdekamp 13
59075 Hamm

Office hours

Mon - Thurs 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Shipping times

Mon - Fri 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Surface modification

Shot Peening

Know why Peenox® PERFORM+

is the steel wire grain of the future.

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Steel wire grain

Hardness: min. HV 640: 610 – 670 HV1 (56 – 59 HRC)
Size: 0.30 – 1.20 mm
Shape: Conditioned
Application: Shaping and Hardening 

Data sheet (PDF)


Steel wire grain

Hardness: min. SAE AMS 2431/3: 45 – 52 HRC (450 – 550 HV1)
Size: 0.30 (AWC 12: 0.012") – 1.60 mm (AWC 62: 0.062")
Shape: Conditioned
Application: Shaping and Hardening

Data sheet (PDF)

Peenox® CS (VDFI)

Steel wire grain

Hardness: 610 – 670 HV1 (56 – 59 HRC)
Size: 0.30 – 1.20 mm
Shape: Conditioned
Application: Shaping, Hardening

Data sheet (PDF)

Peenox® CS (SAE AMS)

Steel wire grain

Hardness: min. SAE AMS 2431/3: 45 – 52 HRC (450 – 550 HV1)
Size: 0.30 (AWC 12: 0.012") – 2.40 mm (AWC 96: 0.096")
Shape: Conditioned
Application: Shaping and Hardening

Data sheet (PDF)

Peenox® ST

Stainless steel cut wire shot

Hardness: min. 45 HRC (450 HV1)
Size: 0.30 (AWC 12: 0.012") – 2.40 mm (AWC 96: 0.096")
Shape: Conditioned
Application: Shaping and Hardening

Data sheet (PDF)

Peenox® PERFORM+ (as cut)

Steel wire grain

Hardness: min. 580 HV1 (54 HRC)
Size: 0.33 – 1.23 mm
Shape: Cylindrical
Application: Shaping, Hardening and Cleaning

Peenox® CS (as cut)

Steel wire grain

Hardness: min. 580 HV1 (54 HRC)
Size: 0.33 – 1.23 mm
Shape: Cylindrical
Application: Shaping, Hardening and Cleaning


Peenox® ST (as cut)

Stainless steel cut wire shot

Hardness: min. 400 HV1 (41 HRC)
Size: 0.33 – 1.23 mm
Shape: Cylindrical
Application: Shaping, Hardening and Cleaning


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about our abrasives?

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