The perfect fibretype
for industrial floors, tunnels and more
It's hard to imagine industrial floors, concrete precast elements, residential construction, and tunnel construction areas without fibre concrete. It's no wonder as working steel fibres is extremely time-saving and, thanks to its positive properties of better shear behaviour and increased ductility, fibre concrete delivers the perfect results. At KrampeHarex the wire is drawn at our own factories and then, depending on the desired geometry, cut to length and equipped with an anchor or corrugated geomentry.
The fibre geometry always depends on the respective application. In industrial floors and residential construction, fibre types with slenderness (relation between length and diameter) of 50 to 60 have proven effective. For this application, the fibres are mixed directly in the mixer, while slenderness values exceeding 70 are dosed out using injection devices. For higher concrete qualities it is also necessary to increase the tensile strength of the steel fibres. Here middle- or high-strength fibres can be used.
Our Environmental Product Declaration

For almost all of our steel fibres, we have developed an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), which discloses the environmental impact of our products throughout their entire life cycle. In comparison to other manufacturers, KrampeHarex’s production is characterised by low global warming potential and a recycling rate of up to 84% that lies far above the average. Read more on this topic in our dossier.
Just a few clicks to the right steel fibre -
The KrampeHarex Fibrefinder
"KrampeHarex steel fibres deliver what they promise. Guaranteed."

Torsten Wirsching
Sales Fibres Germany South
We let projects speak for themselves -
Steel fibres references
Do you have questions
about our fibres?
Contact us!

Your direct line
to KrampeHarex
Stephan Brendler
Head of Sales Fibres International